Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Something from your great grand father

Portuguese Beans

The original recipe was from a man from Rio Vista, California by the name of Joe Souza. Grand Dad Felshaw served with him in the service club there an helped Joe make the beans for many civic functions. The recipe then called for 100 pounds of beans. Grand Dad broke it down to this recipe – you will still need a large stock pot. Grand Dad loved beans. This makes lots!

2 lbs. or 5 C Pinto beans cleaned and soaked overnight in 3 times the water. (about 4 quarts)
Sauté and add to the beans:
¼ tsp. garlic powder
¼ lb. Salt pork or 6 slices of bacon cut into very small pieces.
2 small onions.
2 tsp. dried parsley flakes
½ C. Bell peppers chopped

Cook the above until the beans are soft and tender and then add the following:
3 Bay leaves
1 pinch dry Thyme
1 small can tomato sauce
2 “squirts of Catsup
1oz or 4Tbls. Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce
2 tsp. Chili powder
½ tsp. Cumin powder
2 tsp. Honey (sugar ok)
½ tsp. Black Pepper
1 ½ Tbls. Salt

Mix well, turn off heat, cover and let it sit so the beans may absorb spices – 3 to 4 hours.

A special occasion dish! I have the original recipe if you need to feed a bunch.

1 comment:

daveney7 said...

I'm making this tonight we will see how it goes over you may need to come get the leftovers!