Sunday, August 31, 2008

What Makes Sammy Speed?!

Back in 1957 I was in a movie to prevent teenage speeding in Glendora, CA. I finally found it on YouTube tonight. It's in 2 parts.... Because there are no "credits" I should mention who was in it with me. My father was played by the then Chief of police, Dan Fay. The Detective was the juvenile officer at the time. I can't remember his name, but he was the Sec. of the Juvenile Officers Association and was the person that arranged for the movie to be made. The Teacher in the movie was my drama teacher, Mr. Blair. My girl friend was played by Sandy Mashburn, who was also in my 1st period drama class. My good friend, Jay Baumgardner was also in the movie. Sid Davis picked who he wanted as we walked in to class. So much for talent. Type casting?! I did get them to buy me a pastrami sandwitch every day. It took about a week to shoot. The Officer who pulled me over in the movie was Officer Buzzard, yes that was his real name. And after the movie was finnished, he was the officer who gave me my first real ticket for going through a stop sign. They usually forgive the first ticket, but sense I was in the movie, I got six months - probation.

Part One

Part Two

1 comment:

Cheryl J. said...

Wow! Great acting! They should show that movie actually has a good message!